Movie: One Christmas Wish (2015)
Film Synopsis:
Jackie Turner is a straight-A college student, who was abused, abandoned and starved as a child. Even though he completely turned his life around, the holidays were still very painful for him. Facing another lonely holiday in college, Jackie took an ad on Craigslist for my one Christmas wish — a family for Christmas — and even offered to pay $8 an hour. To his surprise, the flood response. Among the many heartfelt invitations and letters of support, she also heard from other young people struggling with the same overwhelming emptiness that comes with spending the holidays without loved ones. Moved and inspired, Jackie decides to throw a big Christmas party - with last-minute help from her counselor, friends and her support group - to find families for all the troubled people who email her, and find one for herself too. Uploaded by: Freeman September 25, 2021 at 03:23 am
Cast: Amber Riley as Jackie Turner Ali Skovbye as Chloe Camille Sullivan as Sharon Jarod Joseph as Trevor
Year: 2015
Genre: Drama/Family
Rating: 6.8 / 10