Movie: Patema Inverted (2013)
Film Synopsis:
In an underground world where tunnels extend everywhere, even though they live in a dark and confined space, people wear protective clothing and live a quiet and pleasant life. Patema, a princess in her underground village, loves exploring tunnels. His favorite place is the "danger zone" where his village is forbidden to enter. Even though he was scolding, Patemas curiosity couldnt be contained. No one ever explained what the danger was supposed to be. On his usual trip to the "Danger Zone," Patema encounters an unexpected event. When hidden secrets are revealed, the story begins to unfold. Uploaded by: Freeman January 22, 2021 at 11:11 am
Cast: Robbie Daymond as Porta Colleen OShaughnessey as Additional Voices Cassandra Morris as Patema Patrick Seitz as Jack
Year: 2013
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 7.3 / 10