Movie: Pursuit (1972)
Film Synopsis:
What begins as a routine investigation quickly escalates into a heartbreaking race to save millions from certain death in this taut and gripping thriller. Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, ER) "makes an impressive directorial debut" (The Hollywood Reporter) in this deadly game of cat-and-mouse where the stakes couldnt be higher! When government agent Steven Graves (Ben Gazzara) investigates political extremist James Wright (e.g. Marshall), he uncovers a sinister plot to detonate deadly nerve gas over San Diego during the Republican convention. Whats worse, a computer hacker (Martin Sheen) has given Wright a psychological profile to help him defeat the grave. When Wright cleverly avoids the grave, can the grave find a way to stop him before the final nightmare begins? Uploaded by: Freeman February 13, 2022 at 01:12 am
Cast: Martin Sheen as Timothy Drew Quinn K. Redeker as Captain Morrison Joseph Wiseman as Dr. Nordman William Windom as Robert Phillips
Year: 1972
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 5.7 / 10