Movie: Rainbow Time (2016)
Film Synopsis:
Todd grows up under the strange shadow of his challenged older brother Shonzi. As a child, Shonzi forced Todd to make action films. As an adult, he pressured her to share details of her love life, even showing Shonzi a sex tape he made with an old girlfriend to help her cope when family tragedy struck. When their father suffers a heart attack, Shonzi (now 40 years old, and still a virgin) moves in with Todd and his new girlfriend Lindsay. Shonzi wants desperately to be included in their relationship like the past. When Shonzis beggar becomes a threat to reveal secrets from their past, Todd must find the courage to be honest with Lindsay, even if it means the end of their relationship. Uploaded by: Freeman March 21, 2018 at 04:41 am
Cast: Tobin Bell as Peter Melanie Lynskey as Lindsay Austin Fryberger as Jake Jay Duplass as Adam
Year: 2016
Genre : Comedy/Drama
Rating: 5.9 / 10