Movie: Rookie of the Year (1993)
Film Synopsis:
12-year-old Henry Rowengartner, whose late father was a minor league baseball player, grew up dreaming of playing baseball, despite his physical shortcomings. After Henry broke his arm trying to catch a baseball at school, the tendons in the arm healed too tightly, allowing Henry to throw pitches as fast as 103 mph. Henry is spotted at nearby Wrigley Field by Larry "Fish" Fisher, the general manager of the struggling Chicago Cubs, after Henry throws an opponents home-run ball all the way from the outfield bleachers back to the catcher, and it seems that Henry may Be the pitcher that team owner Bob Carson had been praying for. Uploaded by: Freeman November 25, 2019 at 11:09 am
Cast: John Candy as Cliff Murdoch - Announcer Gary Busey as Chet Steadman W. Earl Brown as Frick - Bullpen Catcher Thomas Ian Nicholas as Henry Rowengartner< br />Year: 1993
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 6.1 / 10