Movie: The Ring (2002)
Film Synopsis:
When heiress Jean Courtland attempts suicide, her fiancé Elliott Carson investigates her relationship with John Triton. In flashbacks, we see how Mentalist Stage Triton began to have frightening flashes of true precognition. His partner, Whitney Courtland, used Tritons talents to make money; But Tritons inability to prevent what he perceived, caused him to break up his actions and become a recluse. Years later, Triton has new visions and strives to prevent tragedy in the Courtland family. Can his warnings succeed against suspicion, distrust, and inevitable fate? Uploaded by: Freeman December 15, 2021 at 01:33 pm
Cast: Gail Russell as Jean Courtland Georgie Nokes as Newsboy John Lund as Elliott Carson Edward G. Robinson as John Triton
Year: 1948
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 7.1 / 10