Movie: South Park Imaginationland (2008)
Film Synopsis:
Several boys from South Park Elementary find themselves on a balloon ride to an imaginary land. Upon their arrival, they were faced with an unimaginable threat. Uploaded by: Freeman August 20, 2020 at 09:58 am
Cast: Trey Parker as Stan Marsh / Eric Cartman / Clyde / Jimmy / Craig / Leprechaun / The Mayor of Imaginationland / The Lollipop King / Centaur / Satyr / Hammer / Terrorist #1 / Stephen Stotch / General / Man in Audience #1 / Man in Audience #2 / Michael Bay / Mel Gibso Matt Stone as Kyle Broflovski / Leopold Butters Stotch / Gerald Broflovski / Linda Stotch / Tom / M. Night Shyamalan / Suitcase / Terrorist #2 / Truck Driver / Scientist #2 / Scientist #4 / Scientist #5 / Swordsman / Scientist #1 / Zeus / Jesus / Luke Skywalker
Year: 2008
Genre: Action /Animation
Rating: 8.4 / 10