Movie: The Keeping Room (2014)
Film Synopsis:
In this radical American Western set toward the end of the Civil War, Southerner Augusta encounters two drunken, drunken soldiers on a mission of plunder and violence. After escaping an attempted attack, Augusta runs back to the isolated farmhouse she shares with her sister Louise and their mad slave girl. When a pair of soldiers track down Augusta with the intention of revenge, a trio of women are forced to take up weapons to fend off their attackers, finding a way to defend their homes resources and themselves -- as the escalating attacks become more unpredictable and predictable and relentless. . Uploaded by: Freeman January 20, 2016 at 02:24
Cast: Hailee Steinfeld as Louise Sam Worthington as Moses Brit Marling as Augusta Ned Dennehy as Caleb
Year: 2014
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.0 / 10