Movie: The Second Mother (2015)
Film Synopsis:
After leaving her daughter Jessica in a small town in Pernambuco to be raised by relatives, Val spends the next 13 years working as a nanny for Fabinho in Sao Paulo. He has financial stability but has to live with the guilt of not raising Jessica himself. As Fabinhos university entrance exams approach, Jessica reappears in his life and seems to want to give her mother a second chance. However, Jessica has not been promoted to maid and her presence will turn Vals routine on its head. With precision and humor, the subtle and powerful forces that keep rigid class structures in place and how young people might be the ones to shake it all up. Uploaded by: Freeman July 20, 2023 at 01:48
Year: 2015
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Rating: 7.7 / 10