Movie: The Year of Spectacular Men (2017)
Film Synopsis:
In the year after graduating college, Izzy struggles to navigate the seemingly unrelenting failures of adulthood, the reality of a subpar dating pool and debilitating fear from the top sheet, all in between an X-Files marathon. Comically unsuccessful in love during the year, including five half-hearted relationships with selfish men, Izzy withdrew in favor of supporting her mother and sister, who were struggling with their own relationship problems. Seeing herself in it, Izzy gradually gains the confidence to be honest and vulnerable. Uploaded by: Freeman January 10, 2021 at 03:52 am
Cast: Zoey Deutch as Sabrina Klein Cameron Monaghan as Ross Lea Thompson as Deb Klein Nicholas Braun as Charlie Reed
Year: 2017
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 5.6 / 10