Movie: Lady and the Tramp II Scamps Adventure (2001)
Film Synopsis:
Lady and the Tramps mischievous puppy, Scamp, is fed up with the rules and restrictions imposed on him throughout his life in a family, and longs for a wild and free. He runs away from home and onto the streets where he joins a pack of stray dogs known as the "Junkyard Dogs." Buster, the packs leader, takes an instant dislike to the "house dog" and considers him a rival. Angel, the age of a junkyard scamp, longs for the safety and comfort of family life and the two become instant friends. Will scamp choose a life of wildness and freedom from strays or the unconditional love of his family? Uploaded by: Freeman December 09, 2020 at 05:25 am
Cast: Cathy Moriarty as Ruby Alyssa Milano as Angel Bill Fagerbakke as Mooch Jim Cummings as Tony
Year: 2001
Genre : Action/Adventure
Rating: 5.7 / 10