Movie: The Zombie King (2013)
Film Synopsis:
Samuel Peters (Edward Furlong), once an ordinary man, dabbles in voodoo law to bring his wife back from the grave. He soon meets the evil god Kalfu (Corey Feldman), and makes a pact with him to destroy the underworld and bring chaos to the earth. In return, he will become the king of zombies and walk the earth for eternity with his late wife. But, when the ever-growing zombie horde begins to completely wipe out the rural town, the government sets up a perimeter around the town and employs a shoot-to-kill policy. Trapped within the city, the local residents, an unlikely group of misfits, must fight for their lives and band together to survive. Can our heroes uncover the clues in time and survive or will the zombie king and his zombie hordes rise on the dark moonlit night? Uploaded by: Freeman September 15, 2021 at 05:00 am
Cast: Corey Feldman as Kalfu Edward Furlong as Samuel Peters / The Zombie King
Year: 2013
Genre: Action/ Comedy
Rating: 3.0 / 10