Movie: Edge of Darkness (1943)
Film Synopsis:
In the early 20th century, Claude Roc, a middle-class young man meets in Paris Ann Brown, a young English woman. They became friends and Ann invited him to spend the holidays at the house where she lived with her mother and sister Muriel, for whom she intended Claude. During these holidays, Claude, Ann and Muriel become very close and he gradually falls in love with Muriel. But both families laid off a year of separation without contact before agreeing to the marriage. So Claude returns to Paris when he has many love affairs before sending Muriels break-in letter... Uploaded by: Freeman February 04, 2022 at 11:20 pm
Cast: Jean-Pierre Leaud as Claude Roc Kika Markham as Ann Brown Francois Truffaut as Recitant / Narrator
Year: 1971
Genre: Drama/Romance
Rating: 7.2 / 10