Movie: Petes Dragon (2016)
Film Synopsis:
For many years, Old Wood Carver, Mr. Meacham has delighted local children with his tales of fierce dragons residing deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. For his daughter, Grace, who works as a forest ranger, these stories are nothing more than fairy tales... until she meets Pete, a mysterious 10-year-old boy with no family and no home who claims to live in the forest with a giant green dragon named Elliott. And from Petes description, Elliott seems to be very similar to the dragon from the Mr. Eggman story. Meacham. With the help of Natalie, an 11-year-old girl whose father Jack owns a local lumber mill, Grace sets out to determine where Pete came from, where he has been, and the truth about this dragon. Uploaded by: Freeman November 16, 2016 at 04:06 PM
Cast: Bryce Dallas Howard as Grace Karl Urban as Gavin Wes Bentley as Jack Robert Redford as Meacham
Year: 2016
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 6.7 / 10