Komunitas Film Join
Movie: The Business (2005)
Film Synopsis:
During the 80s, a young man named Frankie dreams of escaping the London borough of London, and his mothers thug boyfriend gives him the chance. After defeating an abusive lover, Frankie flees to Spain, where he gets a job delivering packages to dapper playboy Charlie, a gangster who takes him under his wing. Working as Charlies driver, Frankie is immersed in a world of fast cars and beautiful women - but all his excesses could be his downfall. Uploaded by: Freeman September 23, 2019 at 01:50
Cast: Linda Henry as Shirley Tamer Hassan as Charlie Georgina Chapman as Carly Danny Dyer as Frankie
Year: 2005
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 6.6 / 10
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