Movie: The Dark Half (1993)
Film Synopsis:
Thad Beaumont is the author of a series of highly successful pulp thrillers written under the pseudonym George Stark, but when he decides to kill off his alter-ego in a ceremony clone, he instigates a series of sadistic murders devouring people in his pulp novels, which are soon discovered to be the work of Stark himself. Seemingly like a demented version of his counterpart, Stark isnt so willing to step out of the writing game - even if it means coming after Thads wife and their baby. Uploaded by: Otto December 05, 2014 at 09:04 PM
Cast: Michael Rooker as Sheriff Alan Pangborn Timothy Hutton as Thad Beaumont / George Stark Amy Madigan as Liz Beaumont Chelsea Field as Annie Pangborn
Year: 1993
Genre: Action/Horror
Rating: 6.0 / 10