Movie: The Duelist (2016)
Film Synopsis:
Returning to Saint Petersburg after a long exile, the dashing Yakovlev, a retired Army officer, earns a comfortable living by winning other peoples duels. An enigmatic, focused, and highly skilled professional, he leaves a trail of corpses in his wake as he weaves through polite society, often called upon to wield a gun as a substitute in duels at dawn. But when Yakovlev meets the naive Young Prince Tuchov and his beautiful sister, Princess Martha, the usually cold-hearted mercenary is shocked with undetectable emotions. What happens reveals a series of revelations about his past and present self. Uploaded by: Freeman June 07, 2021 at 03:47 am
Cast: Vladimir Mashkov as Graf Beklemishev
Year: 2016
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.4 / 10