Movie: The Statement (2003)
Film Synopsis:
The film is set in France in the 1990s, France was defeated by Germany at the start of World War II, an armistice was signed in 1940 which effectively divided France being the German-occupied part in the north and the semi-independent part in the South known as Vichy France. In reality the Vichy government was a puppet regime controlled by Germany. Part of the agreement was that the Vichy government would assist with the purge of Jews from France. The Vichy government created a police force called the Milice, which worked with the Germans ... uploaded by: Freeman 24 October 2021 at 07:00
Cast: Michael Caine as Pierre Brossard Tilda Swinton as Annemarie Livi Ciaran Hinds as Pochon Charlotte Rampling as Nicole
Year: 2003
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.2 / 10