Movie: Puppet Master Axis of Evil (2010)
Film Synopsis:
In a hotel in the United States during the height of World War II, young Danny Coogan dreams of joining the war effort. Following the murder of hotel guest Mr. Toulon by Nazi Assassins, Danny finds the old mans mysterious doll chest and is suddenly thrust into battle himself. He discovers that the Nazis Max and Klaus, along with beautiful Japanese saboteurs, are planning to attack a secret American factory. After his family is attacked and his girlfriend Beth is kidnapped, its up to Danny and a deadly living doll to stop this axis of evil. Uploaded by: Freeman February 13, 2023 at 11:49 am
Cast: Tom Sandoval as Ben / Max William Hickey as Andre Toulon Levi Fiehler as Danny Coogan
Year: 2010
Genre : Fantasy/Horror
Rating: 4.1 / 10