Movie: Silver Bears (1977)
Film Synopsis:
Financial Wizard "Doc" Fletcher is sent by crime boss Joe Fiore to buy banks in Switzerland to more easily launder their profits. When he arrives, Fletcher finds that the bank, which was acquired by his partner Prince Di Siracusa, consists of several rundown offices above a restaurant. To make up for this, the prince suggested that Fletcher invest in a silver mine owned by Shireen and Agha Firdausi. This solved one problem, but the mine also attracted the attention of some of the most powerful people in the silver business. Fletcher has to use all his wheelie skills to keep up with everything hes working on, in the process berating a disgruntled bankers wife. Uploaded by: Freeman April 10, 2021 at 02:13 am
Cast: Michael Caine as Doc Fletcher Cybill Shepherd as Debbie Luckman David Warner as Agha Firdausi Joss Ackland as Henry Foreman
Year: 1977< br />Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 6.0 / 10